it's friday afternoon in my project room doing project yet i made a terrible mistake, lol , maybe because it's friday? start of weekend and yet i dun care abt everything already.
Just now in school after smoking with the gang (alex,yonghan,clement,johnny,apple), the "disease" started again... wad i'm talking is not the disease u see in hospital kinda thing.
it's perverted disease!
spanking one another's private part is the trend nowadays i thing...
so weird but funny.
alex was eventually rape in school compound by yong han and me..of cos the dirty part is yonghan doing the job.
alex was eventually rape in school compound by yong han and me..of cos the dirty part is yonghan doing the job.
so freaking disgusting when u think of it right? no choice la... guys r playful....
The month from sept 15 to oct 15 is the worst days of my life!
and.... i have come up TOP 5 worst moments during the month of september and october:
(realli is those SUPER SWAY moments). Here r the top 5....
SUPER SWAY Number 5: Final Project
I had screw up my project ever since the start of it, eventually led to total disruption of my VPP and PD2 (product design). super sway de ah.. when i finally wanted to start on the work, things worsen. many components not there, error in my design board and etc lo...
pek chek ah!

SUPER SWAY Number 4: The Breakup with my ex-gf
I had been together with someone who is older then me by 7 years... and i find it hard to accept things. I use to think that maturity comes with age, but that's not the fact. Over-possessive and trust is the crucial factor that separate us into the 2 world.
when she broke up with me, i accepted my fact and carry on with my life until 1 day she wanted to patch again.
I cannot take the stress anymore so i decided not to patch back...
The worst day of my life came , i seems to be controlled by her everyday.
Threatening to suicide is a very stress pressuring, hair pulling, leg breaking, finger biting, ass kicking thing i would ever wanna be involved with! until 1 night after so many threatening sms(s), she message me "V r enemy nw!Without u i still can alive!Thks for ur heartless!I would not b pain anymore!Not worth for me to die 4u!"
immediately, after reading, i feel very comfort.... at least she didn't cimmit suicide ah.
i mean, wad's the point of killing urself over love??? so not worth it....
Facebook have become more popular amoung my classmates and frens now... it's a program which consist of somehow.... the combination of FRIENDSTER AND NEOPETS. Of cos there are many more applications for us to download. 1 of poly sch mate even get addicted to it ah....
right Liyi??? she ah..... everyday "fight it fight it". lol... so nonsense.
jian ying is also another noob who doesn't know how to use it..
alright... come back to the point.... some guys added me on facebook and i accepted it.
what i didn't realise was that my personal information like my address and my mobile number was also displayed on the facebook until kelly(alex soon to be gf) told me abt it ah! pengz.......
a guy who added me on facebook sms me with his number askin me to go out lo.
i was like what the hell???????
lol... he told me he's a massage boy lo.... and everytime, he would ask me where m i... so scary de leh!
Even poke me in facebook! ah!!! some people might think it's very normal but i dun feel good at all... have a very weird feeling.
so my guy friends.... if u wanna have a massage... u can call 94371137 for this guy:

Sorry towkaht, though u may look friendly but pls dun give ppl a wrong intention k?
and also.... i'm not a gay.

My laptop is the most precious thing that i need in school because all applications are run by laptop, my project files are also located in laptop.
Recently last week, i recieved an e-mail from anonymous and it might be jus the virus that had infect my D drive. some of programs jus delete off on it's own. that include my project files. SO SIAN LO. lucky i got another back up file on thumbdrive ah. though it not as complete as the previous file but the information is so valuable to me. thank god for helping.
this is 2 pictures of accident i involved in during month september.
a very horrifying experience indeed but thanks all the gods and deities that i'm alive and my head not broken.
To all.... when u drive pls go public! if not this is what happen... think twice think thrice.
indeed very unlucky yea???? must go pray to tea gong, jesus and alah already